

Gail Eisenberg and Susan Clemens-Bruder thank everyone who contributed to making this project successful: funders; interview subjects; Muhlenberg College staff, students, and departments;  Allentown community members; and Fred Eisenberg. 


The following funders helped support the work of this project financially:

Deanne and Arnold Kaplan Family Foundation

Mellon Community Grant

Tama Fogelman and Maxine Klein

Ellen and Irwin Schneider

Lenny Abrams

Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein

Ronnie and Milt Sheftel

Marilyn and Nate Braunstein

Interview subjects

The following people generously shared their time and their stories:

Irwin Schneider

Ellen Schneider

Leonard Bloch

Beverly Bloch 

Lenny Abrams

Maxine Klein

Tama Fogelman

Marty Krasnov

Nate Braunstein

Marilyn Braunstein

Esther Halperin

Mort Miller

Judy Miller

Stan Miller

Mark Stutz

Marty Spiro

Marshall Silverstein

Ronnie Sheftel

Milt Sheftel

Bruce Sheftel

Harris Malkovsky

Marc Malkovsky

Arnold Delin

Dolores Delin

Mark Fogelman

Arnan Finkelstein

Marlene Finkelstein

Robert Levine

Murray Platt

Seth Katzman

Kathy Katzman

Larry Hirsch

Jim Hartzel

Bunny Filler

Bernie Filler

Roz Mishkin

Al Mishkin

Ruth Meislin

Mike MIller

Janet Senderowitz Loengard

Narrator of the curated video presentations

Posie Lewis '20

Muhlenberg College staff, students, and departments

The following Muhlenberg staff members, students, and administrative departments contributed to making this project a success:

Trexler Library

Media Services

Advancement Department

ABEF Administrative Assistant

Provost’s Office

Muhlenberg students

Allentown community members

Special Thanks to Fred Eisenberg for transcription editing,  technology troubleshooting, and overall support.